After School: invest in this educational market trend

Colégio Aurum
Jan 16, 2023 11:45:08 AM

Education is the greatest tool to change the world. Therefore, investing in methods such as After School, which go far beyond the classroom, is essential for a more complete formation.

Do you want to know more about After School, its international recognition, how it works and what are its possibilities? Keep reading!

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What is After School?

After School is a period after the curriculum that offers extracurricular activities for students. After School has been a reality in the United States since the 20th century, with very efficient results, and is currently a growing trend in Brazil.

Activities can be chosen according to the profile and wishes of students among the options offered by each institution. At Colégio Aurum we seek to understand the activities most sought after by children and balance the offer between artistic and sports classes.

After School's main goal is to expand students' knowledge, stimulating the development of new skills. 

How is After School in Aurum? 

We have the best partners in the region to offer everything your children need in one place. We know that education goes far beyond the classroom and that moments of relaxation and leisure play an important role in both physical development and mental health.

Thus, our After School options help to add to the students' integral education, increasing the learning possibilities and expanding the experiential field.

Also check: 

After School: know the benefits

After School helps to develop new skills and experiences, such as:

  • Critical sense: ability to think analytically, reflectively and critically about the most varied situations, identifying and solving problems;
  • Autonomy: the ability to make decisions autonomously and independently is essential to encourage freedom and responsibility;
  • Creativity: ability to think and create new ideas and to solve problems and challenges in an original way. It is through creativity that great changes are initiated;
  • Empathy: ability to put yourself in the other's shoes, seeking to understand their feelings and attitudes.


After School is a global growing trend and a great differential for students - and it is already a reality at Colégio Aurum in Jundiaí.

With a teaching of excellence and with classes that use the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methodology, Colégio Aurum offers full-time bilingual education. Thus, the educational background becomes much more complete and meaningful.

In addition, the pedagogical project has nationally and internationally renowned partnerships, with brands such as Google, Apple and Faber-Castell, along with the global recognition offered by Fieldwork Education.

Do you want to know more about PBL, the active methodology used in Aurum? Check out our post “Differentiated Education: Project-Based Learning”!

Know Project-Based Learning Methodology

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