Family and School: a key partnership

Colégio Aurum
Dec 14, 2022 3:51:23 PM

When we talk about education, family and school should walk side by side. That’s because good school results are linked to a partnership between both environments that complement each other to assure that the best possible education is offered inside and outside the school.

It’s simple: home education impacts the behavior at school, which is directly linked to socio-emotional development of students.

To better understand this subject, continue reading and learn how this relationship should be strengthened in favor of children's intellectual, social and emotional development, from the early years of Kindergarten!

Check out in this post:

Good reading!

Why is the relationship between family and school so important?

It is common for many parents to believe that the duty to educate children is an exclusive responsibility of the school, but in practice this is not the case.

According to Heloisa Szymanski, family and school must be complementary for the academic success of children.

Their first and main contact with the world takes place at home. At school, they explore different experiences and universes.

Together, school and family can contribute to developing children's socio-emotional skills.

School routine in Kindergarten

Creating a routine is an efficient way to teach children the importance of responsibility, organization and stability, bringing more security to their daily lives.

The routine, which already exists at school, should be extended to the home so that the child can organize the day with periods dedicated to three fundamental pillars for healthy growth: responsibilities, games and rest.

Benefits of an active family and school partnership

To better understand this extremely important relationship between family and school in Kindergarten, check out 2 clear benefits that happen when this partnership is successfully carried out!

Increase in effort and performance

When assisted at home and at school, the tendency is for children to feel more involved and motivated with their studies.

At home, with an adult accompanying their evolution, children begin to understand education as a routine, not as something occasional in their day.

This also includes follow-up at school meetings and alignment conversations with teachers, coordinators and guidance counselors at the institution.

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Achievements of better learning outcomes

When well assisted and with the correct stimuli inside and outside the home, children can achieve better learning outcomes, in addition to feeling more motivated to go to school.

Interaction with parents or guardians during learning is fundamental for development.

How to participate more in the school life of the children?

Know how to give autonomy

For children to learn, you need to show them the way and be around to help when necessary, but it is also very important for your child's development that you know the importance of leaving them free to make mistakes.

Mistakes are a natural learning process and it is with autonomy that children can learn how to deal with their choices and its consequences, including possible frustrations.

Be on the same page as the school about what to do

Not always those who are at home know for sure how to stimulate children's cognitive and emotional development in the best way.

For this, it is important to rely on the guidance of trained teachers.

A good educational institution can provide guidance regarding activities, games, projects, among other tools that can be used during family time.

In this way, what the child learns at school continues to be practiced at home.

Celebrate even the small achievements!

Praising children on small and big achievements will not inflate their ego, but rather act as a boost to help build their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Apart from vanity, children receive praise as a positive sign for what they have just accomplished and begin to associate the action with a feeling of well-being.

Congratulating your child is an attitude validated by neuroscience, so don't be afraid to congratulate them on what they've done well, from drawing on paper to solving difficult questions on their own.

In the same way that we like recognition when we do a task well, children also need that approval and validation from family and school.


Being present in children's education is the most effective way to help your child's learning process.

That is why it is essential to maintain a good relationship with the school and teachers, in addition to offering quality education capable of stimulating the development of global skills, such as soft skills and bilingual teaching, as is done at Colégio Aurum, in Jundiaí.

To learn more about Aurum's pedagogical proposal and understand why to insert your children in this reality from the earliest years, check out our content: "Literacy process in bilingual education".


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