The importance of the teacher's role in the educational process

Colégio Aurum
Dec 2, 2022 9:54:09 AM

Throughout our educational journey, we are impacted by teachers who help us understand the world, science and society. As a result, it is indisputable that the role of the teacher is fundamental, for school education and beyond.

Inside the classroom, those who are prepared to transmit knowledge have several challenges that range from holding students' attention to monitoring students who have some learning difficulty.

Being a teacher is a task that requires many skills, responsibility and sensitivity to mediate conversations, transmit information and propose new ways of learning.

Assim, neste post, vamos discutir a importância desse profissional e mostrar qual o papel do professor diante das novas tecnologias educacionais, nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental e muito mais!

In addition to all these challenges, there is still a need to adapt to new technologies. 

In this post we will discuss the importance of this professional and show the teacher's role in the face of new educational technologies, in the early years of elementary school and much more!

Check out in this content: 

Teacher's role in the formation of society
It is important to be updated!
Teacher’s roles at education process
Center of learning
Knowledge mediation
Performance evaluation
What is the teacher's role in the face of new educational technologies?
Your child deserves the best teachers!

Enjoy your reading!



Teacher's role in the formation of society

To understand the role of the teacher today, it is first necessary to understand the past. The power that education has to change the world is undeniable. Following this reasoning, it is evident that the teacher's task in society is, perhaps, the most important for the formation of citizens.

With a well-educated society, it is possible to create a more informed and, consequently, more conscious and fair world.

In fact, the development of the individual is directly linked to the teachings of education professionals. In this context, the role of the teacher in the early years of Elementary School is even more important and necessary.

Teachers have a great responsibility for the formation of society that spills over into social construction beyond educational training.



It is important to be updated!

Faced with a globalized world, we know that new technologies are present in many sectors of the job market - and education is no different.

It is essential that teachers are aware of these new technological means that are transformed and updated constantly and more and more quickly.

Technology provides a more interactive education and can be very useful to the teacher in classes, especially with students who have learning difficulties.

Keeping up with the technological wave can often be a challenge for educators, but that is precisely why it is so important to seek constant updates.

Technological tools allow for more dynamic classes, in which students are no longer just receivers of transmitted knowledge and take on the role of protagonists in their learning.

Also check:


Teacher’s roles at education process


1. Center of learning

We know that one of the main roles of teachers is to transmit technical knowledge. Without doubt, teachers are the center of learning, being indispensable for both academic and personal development of students.

However, in addition to all technical information transmitted, the teacher is also a source of general knowledge, whether about the world, about life or about emotional issues.

In this way, it is possible to observe that, to be a good education professional, one must be open to transmit knowledge that goes beyond the technical aspects and commit to being a learning center.


2. Knowledge mediation

It is at school, through the mediation of the teacher, that we learn how to communicate with society, to act as citizens, to discover and follow paths.

Being a mediator is not an easy task, which is why those who manage to do it with mastery are to be admired, since it is a position that often helps to build the ways of thinking of many people.

It takes a lot of coherence to assume the posture of mediator.



3. Performance evaluation

It is part of teachers' daily routine to evaluate the evolution and performance of students during their school journey. Teachers need to be observers to perceive individual or group learning difficulties in order to propose improvements and adapt strategies.

The evaluations can be carried out in different ways, according to the methodologies used by the school, and also allow the family to monitor the performance of the students. Thus, teachers assume the role of a “bridge” between the school and the families.

There is also a relationship between students with learning difficulties and the teacher's role in helping and noticing possible problems.



What is the teacher's role in the face of new educational technologies?

As we have seen throughout this post, the teacher plays a key role as a mentor, mediator and evaluator.

Regardless of the advancement of new technologies in the educational environment, the teacher will always be necessary.

When we talk about the digital tools used in educational training, this role is more than ever confirmed.


Despite technology helping to develop more and more advanced skills, the exchange of experiences and human contact will always be irreplaceable.

It is up to teachers and other education professionals to make technology a tool that contributes to the education system efficiently and does not become just a distraction for students.

The most prepared teachers, in addition to guiding the classes, will also streamline them and take advantage of the best online tools to make teaching fun and beneficial for everyone. 

This can be done through lessons, apps, surveys, games, and more.

For students at Colégio Aurum, this is already a reality!

Your child deserves the best teachers. Count on Aurum!

In education, the teacher is essential to assist in the social and intellectual formation of students, which begins in the early school years.

As a result, choosing a place that has qualified educators, engaged and committed to innovative and effective educational training is essential.

At Colégio Aurum, in Jundiaí, the teaching staff is highly qualified and prepared to build teaching based on four pillars:

  • glocalization; 
  • connectivity; 
  • sustainability; 
  • entrepreneurship.   

Your child deserves to be in an environment with teachers prepared and aligned with global mindedness!


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See you in the next post.

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