Professions of the future in education: how to prepare children?

Colégio Aurum
Nov 22, 2022 4:59:17 PM

Much is discussed about the professions of the future, but do you know how to prepare your child for this upcoming scenario?

Quality education can enable more success and flexibility throughout your professional life.

Knowing this, we prepared a special content. Check out!

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Changes in the job market along with the advancement of technology

With the advent of technology, the way we communicate has changed. The way we receive news from everyone and the way we interact has also been transformed.

It is possible to notice a significant change in several aspects of our life, including in the job market.

Today, professions are increasingly technological and related to the world around us.

For example, companies that operate in a 100% home office model, migrating all their services to the digital environment, with investment in cloud storage to carry out their activities.

Just over 20 years ago, this didn't seem like a viable option for most organizations.

But as technology advances, new paths open up and those who are prepared to invest in this future stand out.


What is the estimate for the professions of the future?

With this advance, it is now possible to think big and on a logical fact, which is already noticed with the passage of time.

Many professions that exist today did not exist years ago. Therefore, the trend is that some professions we know are also extinct or modified.

For instance, you no longer hear about a telephone operator, a professional responsible for making the connection between one person and another over the phone. Today, this task is outdated because technology has advanced enough for it.

Another example is the milkmen, delivery men who passed daily to supply the houses with bottles of milk. Does that remind you of anything? Yeah, delivery guys do this job on demand, just like dairy workers, but with the help of technology.

Based on this, it is notable that the professions of the future tend to emphasize the technological issue, whether for its development or for work linked to new tools.

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What is the profile of this new professional and what the market expects

Although we treat this future market as something new, it is in the present that we build this different model.

How so?

Simple, it is about offering new teaching mechanisms and methodologies that go beyond letters and numbers.

The profile of this new market calls for people with the skills of the professional of the future:

  • Socio-emotional skills;
  • Technological knowledge;
  • Strong entrepreneurial and problem-solving spirit;
  • People leadership;
  • Emotional intelligence.

All these points are relevant when we think about innovative and disruptive business models.

To help shape this profile, preparatory education from the early years is essential.

Check the topic below to know more.


The participation of basic education in the training of these professionals

School early childhood education is one of the child's first contacts with the world beyond their family life.

With the right basic education and the proper stimuli, children are able to develop a range of knowledge that will help them in the long run.

Thus, from the beginning of life, it is possible to stimulate and develop skills that, later, will form a competent and prepared professional of the future.


What is the importance of a quality Education Institution in this formation?

It’s never too soon to start preparing for the future!

Quality teaching starts with good work on the educational base.

As we have already seen, children's character and morals are developed from an early age with examples at home and the situations they experience in their early years of life and school.

For this reason, when choosing a school for children, it is necessary to invest in an institution that is capable of developing their socio-emotional skills, such as emotional intelligence and critical thinking.

In this way, the little ones have access to spaces where they can improve their creativity, understand their feelings and, at the same time, learn from pedagogical activities.


Project Based Learning

To ensure that children learn with active methodologies and can improve their soft skills, Project Based Learning (PBL) is used by the best educational institutions.

Moving away from the traditional model where students are only listeners, in this scenario, they become active agents with more autonomy to solve problems and learn by creating projects.

In this way, all classes can be designed and adapted to this methodology, aiming for more immersive, efficient and truly meaningful learning.



Taking care of children's education today is the most effective way to ensure that they have a bright future in the job market!

The profile sought in the professional of the future is a reflection of the educational model offered in the best institutions, in Jundiaí or in any other place in the world.

With that in mind, look for the best school for your children to develop both socio-emotional and technical skills.

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