Multiple intelligences and their importance to the learning process

Colégio Aurum
Feb 2, 2023 1:30:10 PM

We know that every human being is unique. But the existence of multiple intelligences may be news to many people!

Understand now how the personalization of teaching and the attention to student’s individuality is important to decipher your area of expertise, comprehend your skills and enable their potential.

Check it out in this post:

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What is the theory of multiple intelligences?

The theory of multiple intelligences argues that the human brain has 9 different types of intelligence, which can be stimulated or not throughout development. This theory was created by the American psychologist Howard Gardner, who began to question the traditional method of measuring intelligence, the IQ (Intelligence Quotient).

Thus, throughout our lives - and mainly in the school phase - it is essential that we have access to activities and challenges that encourage the most diverse intelligences and reinforce our natural aptitudes.

This will have repercussions in the future, such as when choosing a profession.

Defending that we are diverse, Gardner managed to create a list of areas that could be dominant in different individuals, namely:

  • Musical Intelligence;
  • Spatial intelligence;
  • Existential Intelligence;
  • Linguistic Intelligence;
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence;
  • Interpersonal Intelligence;
  • Naturalistic Intelligence;
  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence;
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence.

Human intelligence: what is the definition?

According to Jean Piaget, considered one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century, human intelligence is defined as a “set of living and active operations” and "a form of balance to which all structures tend".

For Piaget, it is important to be careful with the process and pay attention to the different stages in child development.

It is worth noting that intelligence is not a gift. Attention and favorable environments are needed so that they can be developed.

For instance, someone who has an inclination towards music, if he does not receive stimuli to develop himself through practice and study, he will not be able to progress with this skill. There are people who do not even discover that they have a specific facility because they did not receive the appropriate incentives during their growth.

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What are the 9 multiple intelligences?

Get to know the different types of intelligence listed by Gardner!

1. Musical

Linked to creativity and hearing sensitivity, musical intelligence concerns the ability to produce and reproduce sounds through instruments, identify different timbres, tones and notes.

People with this type of intelligence have a greater rhythmic perception and it is easier to master musical instruments in a self-taught way.

It is related to the imagination, since music is also a form of expression, from composition to performance.

It can be trained and developed when the child is inserted in an environment that provides the deepening of knowledge, whether theoretical or practical. At Colégio Aurum, music classes are part of the curriculum!

2. Spatial

With this intelligence, the person finds it easy to organize and build environments, in addition to having good orientation and understanding of maps and paths.

Architects, for example, work on this skill using a strong sense of harmony and imagery, transferring from mind to paper and from paper to real life. We use this intelligence when dealing with scales, distribution of objects in spaces, GPS and navigation and when driving, among other activities.

When stimulated from an early age, children will be better prepared to perform these actions as adults.

3. Existencial

As the name implies, existential intelligence is linked to deeper issues of the human psyche and philosophical questions.

Requiring reflective content about different subjects, those who have greater aptitude for this intelligence tend to appreciate more intellectual subjects, which demand the use not only of critical sense but also of flexibility of analysis.

Offering an approach that leads students to think beyond established paradigms is one of the commitments of Colégio Aurum's methodology.

4. Linguistic

Linguistic intelligence relates to the ability and mastery of language and oratory.

It relates to the ease of reporting facts or discussing matters with assurance and authority. We also work on this intelligence by writing, reading and speaking.

It is common for people with mastery of this intelligence to be inserted in professions considered to be in the humanities area, such as journalists, politicians, lawyers and writers.

Language aptitude is also linked to language learning. At Colégio Aurum, bilingual education offered from an early age contributes to strengthening this intelligence.

5. Intrapersonal

Intrapersonal intelligence is all about self-knowledge.

It is related to self-awareness, self-confidence, self-regulation and self-image. By developing this intelligence, the child learns to identify and regulate feelings, strengthening the development of emotional balance.

Decision-making becomes safer and more assertive when we invest in intrapersonal intelligence. Activities such as meditation, yoga and painting are some examples that help to improve this type of intelligence.

6. Interpersonal

Being one of the most demanded soft skills in the corporate world, interpersonal intelligence, unlike the previously mentioned, is linked to the subject's ability to deal with the people around him in an empathetic way.

Those who have an inclination towards this intelligence or seek to develop it tend to be more flexible and adaptable according to the environment in which they are inserted, in addition to having an intuition and a feeling that are important for creating relationships.

This assertive reading of other people's personalities is often inspiring and enables greater leadership development.

7. Naturalistic

Associated with a good development in the biological area, students with this type of intelligence usually create, from an early age, a strong positive relationship with animals and plants.

As a result, professions such as biologists, environmental engineers, agronomists and forestry engineers stand out, among other sectors that are directly related to nature.

Respect for the environment is present throughout Colégio Aurum, in its 40,000 square meters of area, as part of a nature reserve is located within its limits.

Thus, we can bring a little of the exuberance of Serra do Japi, historical, artistic, archaeological and touristic heritage of the State of São Paulo, to a direct contact with the students.

8. Logical-Mathematical

One of the most recognized intelligences throughout human evolution, its main trait is the ability to assimilate and solve problems, whether with numbers, data or information, which make it possible to create a method for their resolution.

Professionals such as mathematicians, engineers, physicists and others fit in here.

People who have this prominent intelligence tend to demonstrate greater aptitude for practical solutions.

Project-Based Learning, an active methodology used at Colégio Aurum, encourages logical-mathematical knowledge through the search for the resolution of real problems.

9. Bodily-Kinesthetic

Movement is the key word to understand this intelligence.

The bodily-kinesthetic is linked to physical abilities and the performance of expressions with the body.

Whether with dance or sports, in this area, promoting different practices in the student routine is a watershed.

To stimulate this intelligence, Colégio Aurum has physical education classes and sports options at After School.

Develop your children's intelligence at Aurum!

Can you tell which are the predominant intelligences in your child? And which could be more encouraged? Now all that remains is to provide the right environment for this!

The choice couldn't be easier: Colégio Aurum offers the best full-time bilingual education in Jundiaí, with the most modern teaching methodologies and nationally and internationally renowned partners.

Students are prepared for the world and have their skills and abilities valued, in addition to their individuality being respected.

For comprehensive training, socio-emotional skills are as important as multiple intelligences.

Do you want to know more and understand how they are developed at school? Click below!

Understand more about what socioemotional skills are!

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