The benefits of a full-time education

Colégio Aurum
Sep 20, 2022 2:10:02 PM

To be considered a full-time curriculum by the Ministry of Education in Brazil, a school must offer 7 hours of study per day - or 1400 hours per year. But what are the advantages of an education with an extended workload?

Countries like Finland, South Korea, Ireland and Chile already know the benefits - students there spend, on average, 7 hours a day at school, against 4 and a half hours on average in Brazil.

With the extension of school time, the school works on the development of a set of cognitive and socio-emotional skills that are the foundations of the BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) and encourages students to develop projects, work on their sports and artistic skills, as well as learn new abilities. In this way, integral education contributes to the quality of life.

According to the BNCC, integral education aims to form and develop the student body globally during Basic Education. Discover the advantages of this teaching model:

  • Offers environments, classes and activities that enhance the student's global development - cultural, intellectual, motor and social
  • Allows students to develop autonomy and social interaction in a safe environment and with the support and monitoring of trained professionals
  • Unites different areas of knowledge offering integrated contents applied in an interdisciplinary way
  • Provides extracurricular activities for the development of physical, motor, sports and artistic skills and abilities
  • Favors food education due to access to a balanced menu planned by a specialized team
  • It provides more possibilities for leisure, culture and physical exercise, with better use of the time spent at school
  • Students are constantly evaluated, far beyond the basic curriculum, with monitoring of each student's process.
  • Contributes to the improvement of school performance and to a broader formation by being allied to socio-emotional education

Now you might be wondering: is there any downside? And yes, the main concern that can affect the quality of full-time education is the lack of infrastructure in schools. That's why it's important to check the conditions of the educational institution before choosing.

Colégio Aurum, through integral bilingual education, seeks to offer an environment and a pedagogical structure that favor the complete development of students. All this in spaces designed to contribute to meaningful learning.

Schedule your visit and get to know our proposal closely!

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