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site aurum historia



For over eight decades, the Anchieta Group has been dedicated to creating, managing, strengthening and consolidating education in Jundiaí.

The Anchieta Group is part of the history of Jundiaí and the region and is a reference in education, uniting the built and consolidated tradition with the innovation present in its concern for the future.

Now, it presents a new concept, at a new moment: Aurum has arrived to change established paradigms and revolutionize teaching and learning.

Colégio Aurum was born with the support of more than 80 years of history, ready to write its own successful trajectory.

Check out how was the first day of school at Aurum


promote the formation of ethical, critical, creative citizens with social skills, inserted in a multicultural context, based on academic excellence, bilingual education and meaningful learning.


To be recognized, nationally, as a reference in project-based education.


multicultural posture, socio-environmental responsibility, aesthetic-intellectual creativity and responsible autonomy.



The four main pillars that guide teaching and learning practices within the community at Colégio Aurum are:





Promote the understanding that empathy and the ability to connect are essential for human relationships and must be present in the moral and social development of students in the pedagogical process.




Improve and encourage the recognition of local and global cultural values. Enrich the learning process, expand the repertoire and form the “glocal citizen”.




Adopt criteria and practices that inspire conscious consumption and environmental awareness as a way of preserving natural resources and developing ethical and sustainable responsibility.




Expand horizons, possibilities and creativity to build fundamental skills that drive innovation in an ever-changing world.


Meet Colégio Aurum. Our approach leads students to think beyond established paradigms.

What brings us together is the will to unravel the unknown and the desire to collaboratively build an education different from everything we know.

We encourage knowledge, culture and values exchange. This is how we integrate local and global ideas for a glocalized present. We can affirm we do have “global mindedness”.

What do we offer?

image-png-3 Modern view of bilingualism
image-png-3Full time curriculum
image-png-3 Truly differentiated educational approach
image-png-3 Most innovative active methodologies and teaching platforms
image-png-3Project-based curriculum, putting student interests at the heart of learning
image-png-3Integrated contents applied in an interdisciplinary way

The human being is in constant transformation and needs an integral vision in order to develop conscientiously and responsibly.

arte site Aurum metodologia


Welcoming and safe infrastructure

Independent and exclusive entrances for students

Internal way for pickup and delivery


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