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2 to 5 years

According to neuroscience, at this stage the child produces a greater amount of synapses in the brain, which favors the acquisition of a second language at the same level of fluency as the mother tongue. We help this phase by immersing students in English-language communication situations, corresponding to 80% of the school time.


Elementary School
1st to 5th grade

Language immersion takes 60% of communication time in school routine. With a multicultural perspective, this phase of acquisition is key to vocabulary expansion and proficiency improvement, resulting in a better mastery of grammar acquired in specific Language Arts activities.

Middle School
6th to 8th grade

The student has in his curriculum 50% of his school time dedicated to the English language, which allows the fluency acquired so far to be maintained. During this stage, the focus is on complying with the curricular guidelines in Portuguese. In addition to the time formally dedicated to the second language, the student continues to practice it in projects and socialization.


After School

We have the best partners in the region to offer everything your children need in one place. Our After School options help to add to the integral formation of students, increasing the possibilities of artistic and sporting learning and expanding the field of experience.