Learning spaces: school infrastructure has great influence on learning

Colégio Aurum
Nov 10, 2022 11:57:58 AM

Did you know that school infrastructure is essential for students to be active agents in their own education?

When it comes to choosing your child's school, space should also be taken into consideration. The structure represents an important part in the interaction between the child, the pedagogical team and colleagues.

To help you better understand the importance of school infrastructure, responsive architecture and ergonomics, we’ve separated the main information that will make it easier for you to choose the best school for your kids.

Check it out in this content:

Infrastructure x Student dissatisfaction
The importance of school ergonomics and its impact
Sense of belonging
Space is also creativity
Leisure and education go together
Why is Aurum's infrastructure ideal for learning?

Seu filho tem acesso à melhor infraestrutura no Aurum.

Enjoy your reading!



Infrastructure x Student dissatisfaction

It is a fact that adequate infrastructure in schools improves learning. Just like the educational changes in the world, the school space also has to evolve.

Far beyond the chairs and the blackboard, the school environment should not be designed for passive learning, where the class is just sitting and listening to the guidelines.

The trend in the educational market is to create increasingly interactive classes through the active methodology of Project-Based Learning, all to awaken a greater relationship between the subject being explored, the environment and the students. Responsive architecture, colors, technologies and ergonomics help in this mission.



The importance of school ergonomics and its impact

Ergonomics in the classroom for students impacts their relationship with the environment, reducing the chance of risks and damage to body health.

There are several factors that influence not only the health, but also the performance of children, from ambient lighting to comfort at class time. The better structured the environment through care with ergonomics applied to school furniture, the better will be the interaction of this student with everything around him.

Colégio Aurum invested in responsive architecture, which offers flexibility to change and adapt to the diverse needs of everyday school life. Thus, it is possible to have buildings and environments that allow learning to take place in all spaces.

The school environment has a direct impact on 3 important issues when it comes to winning over the student and enabling quality learning. Check out!



Sense of belonging

According to the Resolution of the Brazilian National Education Council (2010), full-time students have an annual workload of 1,400 hours at school.

Quite a long time, isn't it?

Therefore, the school environment must be welcoming, cozy, safe and pleasant so that, throughout the daily seven hours, students can concentrate, read, rest and feel that they are part of that universe.

All this positively influences school performance and interest in being in school, a very important issue for both parents and children.

Also check:



Space is also creativity

Did you know that creativity also reflects in our way of solving problems, dealing with changes and is directly associated with our socio-emotional intelligence?

It is for this reason that we must encourage our children from an early age to be creative and explore their capacity for imagination. The more spaces that inspire the creativity of the little ones, the better it will be for their development inside and outside school.



Leisure and education go together

Institutions that work with active methodologies aim to offer spaces that stimulate cognitive development through environments that are versatile.

For example, a sports court is a place to practice exercises, but also to develop a sense of community, motor coordination, logical thinking, agility and much more.



Why is Aurum's infrastructure ideal for learning?

In our environments, classrooms are suitable for different methodologies. Responsive architecture, collective tables, colors and technology are present throughout the school.

All carefully thought out to welcome students and stimulate children's creativity. Our infrastructure has:

  • Auditorium;
  • Playroom;
  • Library;
  • Cafeterias;
  • Science lab;
  • Open parks;
  • Innovation studio;
  • Imagination studio;
  • Amphitheater;
  • And much more.

A place where learning happens everywhere, all the time.

Want the best school infrastructure for your children? Enroll them right now at the newest full-time bilingual College in Jundiaí!


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