The importance of field studies for expanding the worldview

Colégio Aurum
Mar 9, 2023 5:31:08 PM

Go to a museum and analyze the works of a certain artistic movement. Visit a statue and read its author's biography. Stroll through a park looking for plants with characteristics in common. All these situations are examples of field studies.

Combining theory and practice, they allow students to have a broader view of the world around them, with the curiosity to explore the most diverse geographic spaces.

In this post, we discuss how this pedagogical initiative can contribute to a better educational development, which includes the local community and also allows students to have international academic experiences.

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What are field studies?

Field studies aim to integrate theory and practice to increase and deepen knowledge on a given subject. However, to implement a study of the environment effectively, it is necessary to follow some steps:

  • Planning and deciding the study theme;
  • Collection of authorization from families to take students to the chosen location;
  • Definition of the specific and general objectives of the activity;
  • Elaboration of the field notebook, where the relevant observations should be noted;
  • Interdisciplinary field research;
  • Disclosure of achieved results.

Even nowadays, with information just a few clicks away from students, it is important for them to get in touch with external and practical knowledge. This is a practice that fosters curiosity and allows them to build knowledge by themselves, expanding their worldview beyond the school environment and everyday life.

However, we have to remember that studying the environment should not be seen simply as a moment of leisure. Although the geographic space is different, the students' responsibilities remain the same, and it is important to remember that they must be encouraged to interact with the space they are in and with their colleagues in order to carry out their activities.

Thus, studies carried out this way are intended for experimentation and interdisciplinary work, in addition to the development of social skills. They also encourage teamwork and respect for both colleagues and the geographic space that they are visiting.

What is the importance and methodology?

One of the determining factors for the importance of studying the environment is directly linked to the pedagogical value of activities that will promote social interaction and a sense of community in students.

There is a wide variety of possible environments in which students can carry out activities, as well as tools that contribute to their development.

For example, the use of cultural spaces for a class that is held outside the school, in addition to providing the social experience, will also serve as a catalyst for students' attention. This happens because the stimuli of the real world are very inviting for the school routine.

Some examples of spaces are:

  • Museums;
  • Theaters;
  • Historical monuments;
  • Parks;
  • Companies;
  • Natural reserves;
  • Factories;
  • Recycling cooperatives.

These spaces - and many others - can be visited both locally and globally, in person or virtually.

International trips can be amazing and valuable opportunities for students to learn and develop.

Thus, as well as a sense of community, students can also be familiarized with diverse customs and traditions.

Benefits to the learning process

There are several benefits intrinsically related to field studies that help not only students, but teachers and families as well. In these initiatives, students have at their disposal practical activities that add value to their learning, while teachers can count on more autonomous and interested groups and parents can be sure that their children are having access to meaningful and transformative learning.

It is also worth mentioning that this methodology also breaks the paradigms of homogeneous and outdated assessments, since it allows students to assume the protagonism of their learning, applying what they have learned in and outside the classroom in a practical and relevant way.

The benefits of studying the environment are a reflection of the construction of a more diverse and complete learning process, in line with the innovation of current times. Therefore, the planning for it to happen as expected must be meticulous.

It is essential to make sure that all parties involved are aware of how, when and why a specific activity will take place, what are its benefits and how students will be evaluated during the experience.

International experiences

International trips also have a very important pedagogical value in the formation of students, since the international experience is directly related to the worldview as a whole.

Being able to provide an international experience with proper supervision and support from the school is a valuable opportunity to acquire new knowledge and cultural concepts that go far beyond what is already familiar.

Bilingual teaching prepares for this kind of experience, enabling communication with people from the most diverse cultures and places in the world.

Field studies are, therefore, a pedagogical tool that enables a more diverse learning process, as it ranges from a sense of belonging to a community to citizenship awareness at an international level.

Now that you already know the importance and benefits of field studies, take the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter and always receive our news about the full-time bilingual education offered by Colégio Aurum!

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