Know the difference between bilingual education and English classes

Colégio Aurum
Jan 27, 2023 11:53:51 AM

Learning English has become a necessity around the globe, especially when considering the current job market. That’s why bilingual education is being more and more requested by parents.

Starting English language studies from an early age makes all the difference in the development of students and facilitates the process of acquiring a second language.

However, it is necessary to understand the difference between bilingual education and English classes to make the best choice for your children's future. This is what we explain in this article, keep reading!

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How bilingual teaching works in Kindergarten

Kindergarten covers the age group from 2 to 5 years old and is the phase in which, in the bilingual system, the contact with the English language should be more frequent.

In this period of life, according to neuroscience, the child's brain produces a greater number of synapses, which favors the acquisition of a second language at the same level of fluency as the mother tongue.

However, it is necessary to understand that each child has their own pace, which needs to be respected for healthy and effective development.

At Aurum’s Kindergarten the contact with the English language is present in 80% of school time.

With this method, learning the second language happens naturally.

English classes in traditional schools

English classes are part of the basic curriculum of the Brazilian educational system and are present in traditional schools, but this does not mean a bilingual system.

Classes in English courses outside the school also do not mean bilingual teaching, for two reasons: first, because contact with the English language remains mostly focused on language classes and second, because the workload is, on average, 4 hours per week.

In bilingual schools like Aurum, in addition to the mandatory English classes in the curriculum, there are also classes in English for the most diverse disciplines.

That is, students learn traditional subjects, such as math, science and history, in classes taught entirely in English. Thus, language immersion becomes much more natural and effective.

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The importance of English language

Speaking English fluently helps in many spheres of life.

We know that the English language is increasingly present in the daily life of Brazilian society, which enhances the importance of knowing and mastering this language.

It is possible to feel this need for the English language proficiency especially in some situations, such as:

Job market

Perhaps this is one of the most commented topics about the importance of learning English, since it is undeniable that companies demand more of this knowledge every day.

Thus, the probability of a candidate who can speak English getting a job is much higher than that of a candidate who does not speak the language.


The experience of international travel with a knowledge of the English language is much more complete because communication is facilitated and it is easier to enjoy the place and socialize.

English is also important on domestic trips, as it enables communication with other tourists and travelers, thus expanding possibilities and worldview.

Keep up with the globalized world 

With increasingly advanced technologies, the world is “closer”. Globalization provides a faster interaction between different peoples and cultures, which is much more beneficial and profitable with the mastery of the English language, considered a universal language.

At Aurum, we invest in a cultural identity that is both local and global, with glocalization as one of our pillars. We have LOCAL in the study of the Portuguese language, with the preservation and celebration of Brazilian culture, and GLOBAL in considering an international and cosmopolitan mentality.

For these and other reasons, it is indisputable that the English language is important and necessary in everyday life and that the sooner you start studying it, the better and more effective the learning process will be.

Benefits of international recognition

Colégio Aurum has Fieldwork Education’s international recognition, an organization formed by specialists in global education that offers international curriculum to schools worldwide.

Fieldwork is present in 92 countries and has audited more than 1,800 schools, some of which are the best in the world. It is recognized by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

International recognition makes all the difference in validating a bilingual education of excellence.

In this way the differences are clear between English classes and bilingual education.

Understanding these distinctions, we can conclude that bilingual education is a more functional and efficient method to learn a second language. At Colégio Aurum, your child has access to the best full-time bilingual education in Jundiaí.

Do you know the methodology of bilingualism?

Check out our post “Literacy process in bilingual education” and understand the changes in the educational background of the little ones!

What changes in bilingual literacy? Learn more here!

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Bilingual Education

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