After School: what it is, how it works and what are the benefits?

Colégio Aurum
Nov 22, 2023 2:38:29 PM

After School classes are held after regular school hours and usually take place at schools or educational institutions that offer extracurricular programs for students. These classes can be in different areas, such as music, sports, arts, technology, languages, among others.

At Aurum, they take place after the regular full-time class schedule. The aim of After School is to provide students with the opportunity to develop skills and interests beyond the regular school curriculum. In addition, these classes can also be a way to keep students busy and engaged in constructive activities during the time that their parents or guardians are still working.

Classes are collective and taught by teachers who have specific training, knowledge and skills. After School has a monthly fee charged separately and it is possible to enroll students in one or more classes per week.

Benefits for students

After School classes offer a number of benefits to students. Here are some of them:

  • Skills and competencies development: students explore new areas of interest, which can help them develop new skills and competencies, as well as enhance and reinforce existing skills.
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence: by exploring new possibilities and improving skills, students can feel more capable and confident about themselves.
  • Improved Academic Performance: students who participate in extracurricular activities, such as After School classes, tend to perform better academically than those who do not. This can be attributed to the fact that these activities can help students to develop discipline, organization and better time management, important skills for academic success.
  • Socialization opportunities: as they are group classes, After School creates the opportunity to socialize with other students who share similar interests and from other school years, which does not happen so often in the regular school schedule. This coexistence can help develop social skills, make new friends and create greater connection with the school community.

Benefits for families

There are also several advantages for parents and family members when choosing After School classes for their children. Some of them are:

  • Safe Supervision: parents and guardians can rest easy knowing that their children are safe and supervised by school staff while attending After School.
  • Convenience: After School classes are held on the school premises, which can be convenient for families in terms of location and timing. This can help to avoid the need for additional transportation to take the children to other extracurricular activities, and is also a more cost-effective option.
  • Participation in constructive activities: families can be relieved to know that children are engaging in constructive activities after school, rather than spending downtime or engaging in harmful behavior.

These are just a few of the many benefits of After School classes for students and their families. At Colégio Aurum, some of the activities offered at After School are: Judo, Ballet, Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Circus, Futsal, Rollerblading, Music, Volleyball, Chess, Rugby and Tennis.

These activities can be a great way to help students grow and develop in important and positive ways. Come visit Colégio Aurum and learn more about its differentials and innovative pedagogical proposal!


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