Socioemotional skills: how are they developed at school?

Colégio Aurum
Nov 16, 2022 5:31:31 PM

Have you ever heard of social-emotional skills?

Despite being something subjective, this type of skill can be taught and exercised in children even in the early school years.

After all, it is at school that children are exposed to new situations and relationships: friendship, responsibility, challenges and much more. Therefore, it is at this stage that education can most positively impact the development of the little ones.

Socio-emotional development is part of the students’ routine at Colégio Aurum, but do you know how this type of educational practice works?

To help you better understand this important subject for your child's education, check out the content of our blog and stay in the loop!

Check it out in this content:

What qualifies as social-emotional competence?
Is it really important to develop socio-emotional skills?
5 Benefits of socio-emotional development
  1. Better control of emotions
  2. Communication skill development
  3. Interaction with the world
  4. Self-esteem improvement
  5. Critical thinking
How can the school collaborate in socio-emotional development?
Choose the best school for your child!

Good reading!

What qualifies as social-emotional competence?

Excellent examples of socio-emotional skills are:

  • Ethic;
  • Empathy;
  • Happiness;
  • Patience;
  • Confidence;
  • Autonomy;
  • Self esteem;
  • Self-discipline;
  • Creativity;
  • Responsibility;
  • Self knowledge.

All of them concern abstract characteristics that are inherent to each individual. The good news? All can be developed and stimulated throughout life, especially during childhood.

Here’s the good news: when we develop these competences, our relationship with ourselves and others is transformed.

But what are the real benefits beyond interpersonal relationships? To better understand this, let’s take a look at the theory.

Is it really important to develop socio-emotional skills?

Are you wondering “why is it so important to develop socio-emotional skills”? We will explain to you now!

According to economist and great scholar on the subject, James Heckman, socio-emotional skills are directly related to children's cognitive development.

That is, for the child to fully develop, it is necessary to work far beyond grades and IQ, going to the subjective field where aspects such as communication and empathy, for example, are valued and necessary to create healthy bonds and relationships.

For Heckman, the key to the financial success of any society is linked to the encouragement of socio-emotional skills in the early educational years, from 0 to 6 years.

Valuing this type of education can open paths for your child. Providing socio-emotional development in childhood is like planting the seed for remarkable fruits in the future. Encouraging the integral formation of children as human beings is the best investment that parents can make.

But it is not just in the long term that we can highlight the results. After all, this kind of education also brings short-term benefits. Learn more in the next topic!

5 Benefits of socio-emotional development

Now that you have understood what it is and the importance of this competence in the development of children and young people, the time has come to understand the benefits brought by this approach in practice.

It is worth mentioning that, the sooner it starts to be put into practice in schools, the greater will be the absorption of the concept and the children will be able to grow up more confident of themselves.

Check out the benefits of socio-emotional development in childhood and the essential skills of the 21st century!

1. Better control of emotions

When young, children are not always able to understand their own emotions, whether joys, sadness, fears, anger, among others.

With an education that emphasizes emotional nuances, children learn where these sensations come from and how to work with each one of them. Emotion regulation is an essential skill for everyone because it increases knowledge about emotional reactions and actions that follow, avoiding imbalance and unwanted consequences such as fights and impulsive attitudes.

Through this type of education, anger, for example, is no longer considered a tantrum and becomes a feeling controlled through dialogue.

Thus, the little ones can become teenagers and adults capable of dealing with their own feelings, in a clear and sincere way.

2. Communication skill development

When children develop their socio-emotional skills, they tend to be more empathetic and are able to formulate their ideas in order to communicate clearly.

This happens because they practice more reflection and the formation of arguments, in addition to understanding and validating their own feelings.

Whether in the classroom, through games or in conversation circles, your child can be the protagonist with an education that values their particularities and critical thinking.

3. Interaction with the world

Children tend to be curious about the world around them, but they are not always able to analyze and interpret events.

For example, a child may see an argument and, from that, have emotions like fear or anger triggered. With socio-emotional intelligence, she is able to understand the nuances about this event without having so many negative effects on her emotional health.

Taking into account the limitations of each age, this process tends to be increasingly assertive, providing a more proactive relationship with the events of the child's life.

4. Self-esteem improvement 

Self-esteem is how we see ourselves in relation to the people around us and how we feel about ourselves.

When it comes to children, these issues are important for the development of their self-confidence and self-image.

Children who have well-developed self-esteem are less likely to suffer from the consequences of bullying, as they feel secure about their image and personality. The impact can be even greater in the long term, preventing eating disorders and image disorders.

5. Critical thinking

Combined with active methodologies, the aim of socio-emotional skills is mainly to give children the autonomy they need and deserve, providing a healthy environment for them to be active agents in the education process itself.

In this way, right at the beginning of their school journey, children can already deal with situations that require their interpretation and problem solving. They are encouraged to collaborate, work in groups and critically solve the challenges presented, learning from an early age how to deal with frustrations and overcome obstacles.

Whether through games or stories, they begin to open up to a new world in a playful way.

Also check:

How can the school collaborate in socio-emotional development?

All these benefits begin through the realization of interactive practices in the school environment.

With a prepared pedagogical team, children can learn through methodologies that place them as protagonists and solvers.

In socializing with other children, they begin to face different situations and, with the appropriate mediation of teachers and assistants, the little ones begin to expand their vision of the world.

Choose the best school for your child!

At Colégio Aurum your child has access to education focused on cognitive, intellectual and socio-emotional development.

Focusing on these three pillars and using Project Based Learning methodology, children at the school in Jundiaí can explore their uniqueness while getting to know a new world and learning to live and work in groups.

Along with highly qualified professionals, the Aurum environment was designed so that students can have interactive and cozy spaces at their fingertips.

Want the best for your child's development? So it's time to enroll him in the school with all the educational technologies for a healthy and complete growth, stimulating the essential skills of the 21st century to become a student and human being prepared in all areas of life!

Take advantage of the open enrollment for 2023 now and register your child!


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